Movement Classes

Discovering and practicing embodied sensual movement has been a profound revolution in Tricia’s life. The transformation and reclamation it has triggered in her spirit is undeniable.

And Tricia is both honored and excited to share this practice with you.

Why should you sign up to move your body with Tricia at a Reclamation: Embodied Sensual Movement class?

Our bodies were made to move. We feel music, and the movements of dance on a deep, cellular level.

Reclaiming the experience of expressing ourselves in a sensual, embodied way allows us to relish in slowness, softness, sensuousness, and our own emotions.

These classes can help you re-connect with your breath, re-gain strength and flexibility in your muscles, re-center movement from your core, and re-find pleasure in your own body.

Adulting in this modern world takes a lot of engagement from our brains. We may find ourselves in Fight/Flight/Flee mode for much of our day. Movement within an embodied state literally helps us get out of our heads and into our bodies. Flowing through this movement can be restorative to your nervous system, and to your spirit.

Tricia has found that embracing this movement as part of an everyday practice can bring an infusion of pleasure to even the dullest of acts. Reclaiming her sensuality, sexuality and inner knowing has empowered her beyond words.

And she’d love to help you find the same.

Tricia has designed her Reclamation classes to support women in rediscovering and celebrating their sensuality. Providing a safe space to express and explore this is such an amazing privilege to her! If there is enough interest, she would be happy to create a mixed-gender space for sensual-expression. Feel free to contact her to discuss it!

“Tricia moves you through a time to let go. A place where you are free to appreciate your body. Working with you to take pieces (big or small) of what she is leading you through to heal and empower the goddess within you. You choose how much you want to move. The power is in your hands. She nudges you to love yourself. Appreciate your body. You decide how far you want take that journey. There is no judgment.”

“I feel sparkly after - all the feel-good endorphins. I have this sense for awhile (hours) after class too! 

In the day to day movement (sitting in my car or at my computer etc.) the joints get a little stuffy and restricted. Learning how to move how my body wants to innately move without judgement is truly freeing. All those messages about how I should move or be, ebb away. It’s just me and the movement, feeling into all the spaces, my skin, the sounds of the music on the outside and inside of my body.

I think with long term practice, I can stay more in this awareness and be in the freedom of movement even when in my car or at a computer.”

Reclamation Introductory Class